The Ballston-VA Square Partnership is pleased to announce that we've extended our market to run through the end of October (last market: friday 10/26).

That gives you shoppers two extra weeks to get your glorious fall produce, baked goods and gourmet sauces and spreads.

Both of our farm stands will be selling an array of pumpins and gourds for your halloween/fall festivities. Also pickup acorn squash, corn, figs, concord grapes and eggplant.

Tysons farm has over 7 varieties of apples..tis the season for baking apple pies!
Also stock up on Hondo coffee. If you're addicted like I am, keep in mind that after October, the market doesn't reopen until May 2008!

and Lunchgoers can continue to picnic with fresh fruit, veggies and yummy empanadas from Grace's pastries..
see you at the square!