With the warm weather comes outdoor events, like Arts & Crafts Markets, concerts and of course, The Ballston Farmers Market. And I for one, can hardly wait!

With the day and time change to Thursdays from 3:00-7:00, the Market now opens its proverbial doors to many more community residents as well as commuters hungry for fresh and healthy eats.
This season we'll have tons of juicy fruits and veggies from fabulous local farms, like Gonzales Produce, Barajas Produce & Penn Farm. And we'll have many different cakes, breads and pastries to drool over from Baguette Republic, Grace's Pastries & Great Harvest Bread Company. And did someone say whoopie pies? Yep, we'll have those, too, from B. Hall, Baker!

Bistro Blends of Ashburn will also be on hand with their premium balsamic vinegar, olive oil and marinades. Plus, two alternating tea vendors will visit us in the Square--TeaCo and Pearl Fine Teas take turns at the Market selling their fine loose teas.
Be sure to stay tuned, because there are more vendors to come this season at new & improved The Ballston Farmers Market! My stomach is getting all rumbly just thinking about it!