We at the Ballston Partnership (soon to be Ballston BID!) want to wish everyone a very safe and Happy New Year's celebration.
May all of your New Years dreams and resolutions come true. Here's to 2011!
2010 Season: Thursdays 3:00pm- 7:00pm, May 26 - October 13 Welburn Square (The Ballston Circle) at the Ballston Metro
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Ballston BID Press Release!
Announcing the Ballston Business Improvement District
The Ballston Partnership just celebrated it's 25th Anniversary at the October Annual Meeting. Now the Partnership has something else to celebrate this year.
On Saturday, the Arlington County Board unanimously approved the establishment of the Ballston Business Improvement District (BID) effective January 1, 2011. The BID is a public/private partnership in which property and business owners contribute to the maintenance, development and promotion of a commercial district.
The BID will ensure that Ballston property owners have additional resources to keep Ballston competitive, attractive and sustainable in an increasingly competitive commercial real estate environment.
"The reality of a Ballston BID is a huge success that was only possible due to a great Steering Committee, community input and a lot of hard work," said Kelly Shooshan, Vice President of Development of The Shooshan Company. "As President of the Ballston Partnership for the past three years, it has been a challenge to accomplish our vision with limited funding but with Pamela Kahn's leadership of the Partnership she has shown our Board and Community what can be accomplished with minimal staff and budget so I am excited to see what she will be able to accomplish as the Ballston BID."
The Ballston BID's primary focus will be to move the perception of Ballston from a "good place" to a "great place", enhance and communicate Ballston's commercial advantages in an increasingly competitive County/region, increase and protect private and public investment in Ballston's commercial properties, create, manage and sustain Ballston as the premier mixed-use urban environment in the County, and promote Ballston's brand as an internationally recognized hub for science and technology.
Activities will include marketing, branding and promotion, community events, minor physical enhancements such as banners and wayfinding and beautification and transportation enhancements including bike racks, shelters and more.
The Ballston BID includes 119 commercial properties, approximately 8.3 million square feet of development, and more than 118 acres.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pound Cakes & Whoopie Pies THIS Thursday at the National Science Foundation
Did you hear, food aficionados? The Ballston Partnership's having a Holiday Boutique THIS Thursday and two of your favorite Ballston Farmers Market v
endors will be there!

Get your sweet-tooth fix THIS Thursday at the National Science Foundation first-floor atrium from 11:00 AM - 6:00 P
M. You'll find:
Two Belle's Southern Pound Cakes returns to the neighborhood to join us at the Ballston Holiday Artist Boutique. Because a good pound cake is a work of art. Sold in slices (for only $2.00!) and whole cakes (for your holiday parties!), these pound cakes are baked by fantastic southern gals who know their pound cake.

And B. Hall Baker will also be on hand to debut some brand-new flavors. Come sample the pies, buy some on the spot and then order a bunch of these little delicacies for your Holiday parties.
Yum! Yum!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Today's Market is Canceled!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Local Foods Local Chefs THIS Thursday!
The Virginia Cooperative Extension program, Local Food Local Chefs, joins the Market this Thursday with chef Andy Bennett from Lyon Hall. Bennet will lead a group of patrons around the market from 6 - 6:30 PM to demonstrate how he uses fresh foods in his recipes.

Open to everyone. Free of charge.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sweet Bites Creamery Flavors of the Week
Sweet Bites Creamery, the newest member of the Ballston Farmers Market, brings the freshest flavors of handcrafted ice cream sandwiches to Welburn Square THIS Thursday from 3:00-7:00!

Molasses Caramelized Pear (chewy molasses cookie with fresh caramelized pear ice cream)
Uptown Banana (chewy choclate chunk cookies with fresh banana ice cream)
Baked Apple Snickerdoodles (baked apple ice cream paired with classic snickerdoodles)
Peanut Butter Mud Pies (chewy chocolate cookies with fudge cookie & peanut butter ice cream)
Pistachio Chocolate Cherry Macaron (pistachio french macaron with chocolate-cherry sherbert)
Peanut Butter Mud Pies (chewy chocolate cookies with fudge cookie & peanut butter ice cream)
Pistachio Chocolate Cherry Macaron (pistachio french macaron with chocolate-cherry sherbert)
Just. Plain. Yummy.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Market Canceled - September 30th!
Due to ominous weather predictions, we have made the difficult decision to close the Farmers Market TODAY, September 30th. Safely is our main concern and the heavy winds they are forecasting can be very dangerous in the square.
But visit us next Thursday from 3-7 for your weekly goodies!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
RESCHEDULED! Celebrate Farm to Table Month!
Thanks to the stinky weather forecast for tomorrow, The Ballston Farmers Market celebrates From Farm to Table Month two weeks from now--October 14th!

The Virginia Cooperative Extension program, Local Food Local Chefs, joins the Market this Thursday with chef Andy Bennett from Lyon Hall. Bennet will lead a group of patrons around the market from 6 - 6:30 PM to demonstrate how he uses fresh foods in his recipes. Open to everyone. Free of charge.
Come join us October 14th.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sweet Bites Creamery Joins Us THIS Thursday!
Yah! We have a new addition to the Ballston Farmers Market! Please welcome Sweet Bite Creamery, a DC-based bakery and ice creamery specializing in handcrafted, uniquely flavored ice cream sandwiches and confections. Thier passion is to create artful products with all-natural, local ingredients.
Swing by the Ballston Farmers Market this Thursday to experience the best ice-cream sandwiches in town!

This week's flavors...
- Chocolate Chunk Banana: gooey chocolate chunk cookies paired with fresh banana ice cream
- Raspberry Lemonade Macaron: raspberry french macaron filled with tangy meyer lemon ice cream
- Salted Caramel Brownie: chewy chocolate brownies filled creamy salted caramel ice cream
- Chocolate Mint Macaron: chocolate cocoa french macaron paired with fresh, local mint ice cream
- Macadamia Coconut: chocolate dipped macadamia nut shortbread with toasted coconut ice cream
Friday, September 17, 2010
René Moffatt Music

René's smooth vocals, swaying melodies and thoughtful lyrics are a welcome addition to our final markets of the season, so let's give him a warm Ballston welcome.
Check out René music online! And while your at it, download some FREE tunes by the man himself. Let's support our local musicians as well as our local farmers!
Friday, September 3, 2010
New Vendor Alert: Cafe Pacaya!

If you love coffee, you are going to LOVE our new market addition. Please welcome Cafe Pacaya to the Ballston Farmers Market!
Cafe Pacaya is now your source for premium roasted, single-origin coffee. Their mission is to offer gourmet coffee-drinkers a coffee that communicates its unique flavor characteristics. They do this by roasting in small batches and carefully controlling the process.
Straight from Guatemala, then roasted right here in the Metro area, direct to your mug. This is what good mornings are all about.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Great Thursday!
After all this Thursday rain, it was awesome to have warm, sunny weather at the Ballston Farmers Market. Is was such a great day, in fact, many of our farmers sold out! Perhaps it's a good idea to arrive early next time.

Remember, our hours are from 3:00-7:00 every Thursday afternoon. And fruit season has finally arrived!
Check out some mouth-watering shots from yesterday's Market:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
B. Hall, Baker
Due to circumstances beyond their control, B. Hall Baker lost their commercial kitchen very suddenly, so this Thursday, August 19th, will be their last market for a little while. They found a great, new kitchen and are hoping to be back as soon as possible.
Until then, please visit their website for the same delicious whoppie pies you've been enjoying at the Market
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Photo Contest Ends Tomorrow-August 18th!
Hey! Tomorrow is the last day to submit your photos in to the Virginia Farmers' Market Photo Contest the Virginia of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACA) is hosting!

And, a special prize will be awarded to the Virginia farmers' market with the most entries. Go to www.VirginiaGrown.com for more information!

The winners will receive a Virginia Grown/Virginia's Finest prize package worth $100 each. Four winners will be announced.
- One for entries from children up to age 12
- One for entries from youth ages 13 - 20
- One for entries from adults ages 21 and up
Friday, August 6, 2010
Calm Before the Storm!
Before the thunderstorm hit on Thursday, (and boy, did it hit hard!) the farmers were able to set up shop for a couple hours at least. Come visit us next Thursday from 3-7 for all of your fresh-off-the-farm goodies!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hank's Blueberries
It's blueberry season! And while blueberry season is in full swing, Hank's Blueberries will be at the Ballston Farmers Market. His delicious and completely organic blueberries have to be tasted to be believed!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Two Belles Southern Pound Cakes Returns!

I just returned from Charleston, South Carolina and one of the best things I noticed about the South is their amazing food. The butter, the fish, the all-natural ingredients--they just don't skimp on anything good. And that's the way I like it.
So, it makes me (and hopefully you, too!) really happy that Two Belle's Southern Pound Cakes returns THIS Thursday, August 29th, to the Ballston Farmers Market!
Sold in slices (for only $2.00!) and whole cakes, these pound cakes are baked by fantastic southern gals who know their pound cake.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Singer/songwriter Janna Audey
Did you know that every Thursday the Ballston Farmers Market has FREE live music for all to enjoy? And each month until October, the Market features a new musician.

For the month of July, we are very proud to have singer/songwriter, Janna Audey perfrom her beautiful, soulful tunes.
Check out Janna Audey melodic music LIVE every Thursday from 4:00pm - 6:00pm (whether permitting) for the entire month of July!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Food for Thought at the Ballston Farmers Market!
A couple weeks ago, Arlington Virginia Network popped by the Ballston Farmers Market to film an episode of their Emmy-nominated TV show, Food for Thought. So, without further ado ...
Thanks Matt, Katie and the entire crew of Food for Thought. We had a blast!
Thanks Matt, Katie and the entire crew of Food for Thought. We had a blast!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Egglants & Radishes & More ... Oh, My!
Wow. Have you ever seen radishes so red or eggplants so purple? They look almost too good to be true! But, we can assure you, everything about the veggies from Barajas Produce are authentic, healthy and fresh off the farm!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Jimmy Potter's Workshop - Cactus Fun!
Man. It seems like the only plants that will grow in this NOVA heat lately are cacti. Good thing the Ballston Farmers Market has the cactus guy himself--Jimmy Potter's Workshop!
Friday, July 2, 2010
What a Success!
What a great day at the July 3rd Ballston Farmers Market. The weather was so pretty and there were tons of people out shopping for healthy goodies.

Bentley, the Golden Retriever puppy says, "See you next Thursday!"
And special thanks goes out to Arlington Virginia Network's, Food for Thought, for spending the day with us. We had fun answering all of your questions and just hanging out. I'll keep everyone posted as to when the show will air.
Now, check out some pics from yesterday's Market!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Team In Training Joins the Ballston Farmers Market!
The Ballston Farmers Market is proud to announce that Team In Training, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s signature national fundraising initiative, will be joining the Market July 8th and August 5th!

Team In Training trains over 1,000 athletes in the area each year in preparation for a number of marathons, half-marathons, triathlons, and century rides. In return, our participants raise money for their cause.
Welcome to Welburn Square, guys. Ballston's happy to have you!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Yesterday's Market
It was a bIt was a beautiful day at the Farmers Market yesterday. It looks like all of those crazy weather warnings were indeed crazy! We got a couple of sprinkles in the square with no hail to speak of. And the wind... nice breezes.
So, join us next Thursday and say hi to your returning favorites as well as some new vendors who will be joining us July 1. (I'll keep you posted about the newbies!) See you at the Market!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thanks to The Arlington Weekly News!
I just wanted to thank Rich Massabny for giving our Farmers Market (and Arts & Crafts Market!) a great shout out on his TV show, Arlington Weekly News.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
We All Scream for Ice Cream!
We have a new addition to the Ballston Farmers Market! I'm proud to announce that Middleburg Creamery is returning to the 2010 Market starting tomorrow, June 17th, with its special recipe of cool, creamy, delicious ice cream.

It's gonna be a hot summer, so get your ice cream fix at the Ballston Farmers Market from 3:00-7:00 EVERY Thursday.
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 10 Famers Market
Great food, great weather, great music and great company. What a perfect way to spend a Thursday afternoon.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Two Belles Souther Pound Cakes
"What do you get when you cross two displaced southern girls, an old KitchenAid mixer and a heap of baking know-how? A whole lot of pound cake — really good pound cake!"

Starting, tomorrow, June 10, Two Belles Southern Pound Cakes will be joining the Ballston Farmers Market!
These are NOT factory cakes, folks. These are artisan pound cakes crafted by two “belles” who love to bake with the kind of natural ingredients their own grandmothers used: pure unsalted butter, high quality flour, cream or whole milk, eggs, sugar and a bit of fine extract for marvelous flavor.
With a bunch of different flavors and frosty colors, these pound cakes are simplicity at its best.
Good. Traditional. Southern. Pound Cakes. Which means no skimping on the butter.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Blues Musician Rick Franklin
Not only does the Ballston Farmers Market have fresh produce, scrumptious pastries, buttery pound cakes, fluffy whoopie pies, organic herb mixes, raw honey, fine teas and more, we also have live music!
Acoustic blues musician and songster extraordinaire, Rick Franklin, will perform exclusively for the Ballston Farmers Market right here in Welburn Square. Catch him in action every Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm for the entire month on June.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Makin' Whoopie!
Have you all heard of Whoopie Pies? Well, if you haven't please allow us to introduce you to a little lip-smacking slice of heaven.

Think of a Whoopie Pie as a little fluffy cupcake but in sandwich form. Brilliant, right? And nobody--I mean nobody, knows Whoopie Pies like B. Hall, Baker. In fact, this boutique baker specializes in Whoopie Pies in a variety of seasonal flavors, like French Lemon Cake, Vanilla Bean, Peach Mango, Dark Chocolate, and more.
Each packaged in its own separate wrapping, only the finest ingredients are used to make these Whoopie Pies!
Every Thursday, from 3:00-7:00, B. Hall, Baker plans to bring two different flavors of scrumptious Whoopieness to the Ballston Farmers Market in Welburn Square, along with petite sweet potato pies and fudgey brownies.
Oh, Ballston, we are soooooo lucky.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Farmer Market in June!
Local photographer and blogger, Abbie Rufener, said it best, "... Heaven is found in local farmers markets." Find fresh and delicious blueberries, peas, cheese pastries, pork products, green bean, potatoes, sour cherries, raw honey, brownies, strawberry muffins, organic herb mixes, whoopie pies and SO much more. Yep. Sounds like Heaven to me.
Check out some pictures from yesterday's Market!
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